“we are bending the future, together, into something we have never experienced. a world where everyone experiences abundance, access, pleasure, human rights, dignity, freedom, transformative justice, peace. we long for this, we believe it is possible“
-adrienne maree-brown 
Welcome ! I’m Steph (she/they).
I work primarily alongside queer clients, and clients who are People of Colour, Black, Indigenous, or of mixed ancestry. I am currently not connecting with new clients. Please check back summer 2024 for possible availability!

Steph BLandino, MC, RCC


Collaborating and getting curious together…


I see counselling as an opportunity to walk beside folx, co-creating safety and dignity as they navigate their healing journeys and call in their own wisdom. I believe my role is one of facilitating and collaborating, and that each client brings their own expertise, gifts, and the seeds for resilience.

My offerings are informed by intersectional feminism and rooted in the belief that this work can be deeply liberatory. I want to affirm folx as they dream of new possibilities and collect the tools to enact the changes they seek.

I am passionate about anti-oppressive work and the ways counselling and social justice can fuel and inform each other. Both in my counselling work and in my personal life, I aim to centre justice and equity, and hold space for individual and community healing. I also recognize that doing so requires ongoing learning, unlearning, and the ability to stand back and listen to the voices of folx whose labour and love is guiding our way.

My counselling practice is committed to supporting clients to make the space (and take up the space) necessary to process and heal from difficult experiences and contexts. This might require us to slow down and tune into the places where you feel stuck or overwhelmed. Together we can carve out space that you can lean into while we contextualize your experiences and create room for healing.

I want to support you to identify and honour your existing strengths and help further equip you with new tools. Perhaps there are some behaviours and skills that historically have helped you get by that are no longer useful. By getting curious together, we can nourish those existing seeds for resiliency and make room for you to feel more dignity, authenticity, safety, joy, and self-compassion.